
You earned your BSN, gained valuable experience in the nursing profession, and are ready to take your career to the next level. 康科迪亚的在线BSN到DNP计划建立在你现有的知识和装备你在护理教育的最高水平, 提供成为家庭护理从业者或成人/老年初级保健从业者所需的技能. 在我们的BSN到NP项目中,把你帮助别人的爱提升到一个新的水平.

Credits 70
Cost Per Credit $840


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Program Overview

请注意-这个项目是通过我们的姐妹校区在网上提供的 Concordia University Wisconsin.

Nurse Practitioners are in high demand, 根据美国劳工统计局的数据,到2029年,这一职业预计将增长45%. 想要进入APRN角色的护士必须从护理实践项目的硕士或博士学位毕业, pass the national certification exam, and earn licensure to practice. 康科迪亚的在线BSN到DNP计划可以帮助您充分发挥潜力, 为您提供最高水平的护理教育与超过1,000小时的实践经验,提高十大正规赌博平台大全排行护理能力. And as an NP, 你将有更多的权力为十大正规赌博平台大全排行病人从头到尾提供最好的护理, including prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. 

我们的护理毕业生在全国认证考试中一直高于全国平均水平. 它们反映了临床和学术领域十大正规赌博平台大全护士领导者所需的批判性思维和专业技能. Concordia University Wisconsin also offers an online MSN program但DNP正迅速成为护士为现代高级护理角色做准备的标准.

What to Expect

康考迪亚严格的在线BSN到DNP是通过我们的姐妹校区, Concordia University Wisconsin. Our program consists of 70 credit hours, 1,008 practicum hours, and can be completed in three or five years. The major 

All coursework is completed online, 但是这个项目的某些部分可能需要你来学校. 该项目的大部分课程都是八周速成课程, with a few courses taking 16 weeks. Our expert faculty is accessible throughout the program, 所以你可以保证你会在整个护理硕士和博士学位期间得到支持.

我们的护理毕业生在全国认证考试中一直高于全国平均水平. 它们反映了临床和学术领域十大正规赌博平台大全护士领导者所需的批判性思维和专业技能. Concordia also offers an online MSN program但DNP正迅速成为护士为现代高级护理角色做准备的标准.

Concentrations / Specializations

Areas of Specialization: DNP

  • Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
  • Online

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